Our Staff is Super
This week, PTO volunteers will provide treats, gifts, and a catered lunch for all staff members. We need additional volunteers to scan and clean up the staff lounge each afternoon. This can be done by someone waiting in the carpool line from 3:30-4pm. Student Participation Monday: Bring your best smile and a hug. Tuesday: Bring a homemade card with kind words. Gifts cards are a wonderful way to show gratitude but are not required. Wednesday: Wear Super Hero Tees or costumes without masks. Thursday: Bring school supplies: pencils, post-its, glue sticks, tissues, etc. Friday: Bring in a comic strip drawn of your teachers using super powers. The document is attached if you need to print an extra. Copies are also available on the PTO desk in front of the cafeteria. Create a Comic strip SAW 2017.docx Don't forget Support Staff This year we have matched 1-2 support staff members with each classroom. Students can appreciate their own classroom teachers and the support staff member in the same ways listed above. Here is the chart listing the pairings: SAW flyer black and white.pdf Comments are closed.